Friday, November 2, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
scientific art, artistic science
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah

I'm copy and pasting the blurb on Utah's website because... well because I feel like it.
Swedish artist Karl Momen created the 87-foot high tree between 1982-1986. He financed the project himself to bring bold color and beauty to the stark, flat, salty landscape. The sculpture is made of 225 tons of cement, almost 2,000 ceramic tiles and five tons of welding rod, and tons of minerals and rocks native to Utah.Also called the "Tree of Life," the sculpture is located on the north side of I-80 about 95 miles west of Salt Lake City (25 miles east of Wendover). The location is interesting because the harsh environment here hindered many travelers in pioneer times. Members of the ill-fated Donner Party were tragically delayed in this area before their awful demise in the Sierra Nevada mountains. During WWII, the crew of the Enola Gay practiced bombing runs over the Great Salt Lake Desert before proceeding to Hiroshima to end the war.
After completing his work Momen returned to Sweden, donating the sculpture to the state of Utah.
Art Critic Katherine Metcalf used these words to sum up the project: "...Like Kandinsky in the 1920s, so Momen in the 1980s combines his love of color, circles, and cosmic space in a personal hymn to the universe; and like Kandinsky, he is very 'romantic' and musical. The inscription on the trunk of the tree is Schiller's Ode to Joy, as sung in the choral climax of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony."
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The Detroit Airport's All Over Art
The tunnel is a light show synchronized with music, created by SmithGroup, Inc. However, at 10 at night the lights are still and the hall is silent. The walls are made of glass and have varying textures and indentations to change how the light gets bent. The big patterns I usually see are blue and red, though there is a purple and yellow pattern and a green and blue one as well. YouTube videos galore for this one. I snapped a few for you guys and found a link.
In the designy section of the airport (yes that is a technical term, "designy," meaning that it looks like a lot of protractors were involved) there is a playful water sculpture that usually has a crowd near it. Grabbed a shot of that as well. I haven't found much about it on the internet, but maybe I haven't been looking hard enough. There's a vid on YouTube, don't you worry.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Internet Humor
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Nine Inch Nails
With Nine Inch Nails' latest album, Year Zero, Trent Reznor is involving more than just music. The group has teaser trailers out on YouTube. They have the username takeparepin, and browsing around I saw more videos from different users. Are they actual individuals making their own copycat videos or are they part of the group? OR are they part of the group BECAUSE they are making the copycats? Dundunnnnn. A few tracks are available for people to tinker with on audio editing software. Are people that edit the songs now part of the experience?!
A big question to ponder is, Is this marketing? They say it isn't; the videos are part of the piece as a whole. Check it out. and The new album on CD looks black with black when you first get it... after it plays it turns white. Super cool temperature color change.
And just for kicks, an interview with Exotic Birds, when Reznor was a tot in the music business and wore trendy clothes.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
howdy from Colorado...
that's all...
hope everyone's summer is full of excitement
Thursday, May 17, 2007
“I began reading about fluid dynamics and flight turbulence and I talked to the professors of the aerospace engineering department there, just trying to get an idea of what went on in the building. And then, boom! One day I just opened a book, saw this image of a stokes water wave—a natural occurring wave—and knew that was what the piece was going to be about. You can only do so much analytic research and then I shut that side of me down and flip it and allow the true intuitive side to take over. You have to have faith in the magic. You cannot find a reason for everything you make, but that doesn’t make it less thoughtful. It’s very complex how we think. I like that. I like the mystery of creativity.”
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Creativity and Education
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
More Artwork
turnip babies!
awwww. These turnips were by Jessica Roberts and Katie Yancey.
Whaley has a home! Julia Wolf
baffroom. Giselle Vaca and Steph Haddad.
Comic book art
Check out for a variety of comics. No Pink Ponies is a good one for marvel and dc comic book readers.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
mentioned in class on 4-18
Laurie Hogan's writing class ARTS 499
Ryan Griffin's tourism 499
Gallery: Feature in NYC (magazine)
Sara Lucas
Jerry Saltz: art writer
Kern: new artist to check out : publishes artcal (his blog)
Mary Lucier: video
Mathew Higgs: white columns gallery curator
_____ Carter: Melissa's former student who's working in New York now
Nancy Reubens
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
photos from sculpture II- spring '07
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
hey party people